Elon Musk announced in a tweet today that Tesla has started production on a revolutionary motor vehicle: a vegan car.
The maverick tech entrepreneur explained that the Tesla V-Gan would lead the way in sustainable consumption of the Earth's resources and operate as a shining example of how any being, human or artificial, could live and thrive as a vegan. Or at least drive one.
The car battery would only charge at points which supplied ethically sourced electricity generated without any harm to animals, fish or insects.
The car would come with the self-driving feature as standard and some new ones:
Automatic salad ordering at drive-thru's
Winking headlight triggered by fellow V-Gans
Roadkill detection and revival
Gluten free
Fans of Musk say this is his best invention yet and proves that he has atoned for calling the Thai cave-diving hero a 'pedo guy'.
Some critics have called it a cynical PR move, similar in audacity to the time he used a Space-X rocket to launch Stephen Hawking's ashes into a black hole.