Pre-news for a post-truth era.
BREAKING: China seizes assets of Russian oligarch from Compare The Meerkat.
BREAKING: Taliban add Pride rainbow to flag
NASA Mars rover outsources scientific experiments to Chinese rover. Turns focus to mining Bitcoin.
Asking to remove pineapple from pizza to be a hate crime under new racism laws.
Missing Tower of London raven turns up at Capitol Hill
EXCLUSIVE Interview with Bill Gates on eating elephants, the future and conspiracy theories
[BREAKING] Trump and Biden both win and agree to share power as Co-Presidents
[BREAKING] Nike changes pronouns to swooshes
[BREAKING] N. Korea 'communist lottery' winner to pay the state a record $11.5 million
JK Rowling deletes 'Get Well Soon' tweet to Trump and Melania
[EXCLUSIVE] Illuminati changes recruitment process in response to #BlackLivesMatter protests
Nike asks Americans to call 9-1-1 every time they see hate crimes on TV or "Just Do One"
[BREAKING] Cosmonauts confuse SpaceX colleague for possessed Tesla Starman and ATTACK
BREAKING: UK begins human trials on 5G vaccine
BREAKING: Psychic medium tests positive after channeling person who died from COVID-19
BREAKING: FTSE 100 will start trading memes to counter coronavirus crash
EXCLUSIVE: Harvey Weinstein releases script for biopic where Trump PARDONS him at the end
BREAKING: Lunar astronauts confirm first coronavirus case
BREAKING: Iranian man arrested at airport with entire NUKE built into millennial sneakers
BREAKING: Trump donating 500 nukes to Australia "for them to fight fire with FIRE!"